Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sweden vs. Denmark

The other day we played a prestigeous game of tennis. Team Sweden was me and Tobias, and Team Denmark consisted of Ulrik and Anders.

Sunny acted referee, but after some obvious biased ruling (in favour of Sweden, but anyway...), we decided to overrule her judgement.

Result Denmark vs. Sweden:
Set 1: 6 - 0
Set 2: 6 - 7
Set 3: yet to be played


Anonymous said...

Nice comeback in second set, impressive I must say. For third set, keep firing on their backhands(inside tip)

Jonas said...

Haha, yes, the first set impressive, but the second got almost interesting.

So, backhands you say? The problem is we don't really know how to aim, but since we are coming back from vacation two days before them we'll have the time to practise firing.

Set three is probably going to be played on the 21st, come see it!